I’ve been busy trying to get as much as possible of my 1/300th, 6mm collection ready as quickly as possible. The few tryout games we’d played meant that when I had some free time they were the first things that I painted.

I’ve gone for a quick painting style that will hopefully look good en masse rather that individually. To be honest the infantry are too small for me to paint well.

They have been based for 5core- Brigade Commander on 50mm square company bases with 30mm square platoon bases for the attachments.

Last night I laid them all out on my table for the group photos.


Foucusing on each Brigade/ Regimental sized unit we have the following:


A Soviet Motor Rifle Regiment in BMP1s.


A Tank Regiment with BMP2s.


Some extra tank companies- both T72 and T62 as well as 2 companies to represent the Divisional recce element.


An amphbious ferry, a company of infantry as well as some post Cold War company bases.


Four companies of VDV parachustists and some support for them.


For opposition I’ve this motley mix of US companies. Covering quite a large time frame I have M60A3 and M60A2 ‘Starship’ companies as well as M1 A1s and Bradley. I intend to rationalise this part of my collection with a few extra purchases.


Also missing form these photos are any aircraft or helicopters. They are currently on the work bench and should be finished soon.





  1. fossiljellyfish Avatar


    It’s kind of like a tabletop Wargame: European escalation. 🙂 Great work!

    1. Pete S/ SP Avatar
      Pete S/ SP


      Thanks. I’m a big fan of that computer game and it was a major inspiration for starting the 6mm project.



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